Sunday, 9 August 2015

The sense of this blog

My blog is getting famous, every third post of the "big Cassini" it's about me: Green all over. It's a bit weird of a guy, which says that he is not interested in tennis trading, and that my blog it's not a good read. For me is strange that he has a (negative) opinion of "all" people around him. It was not different, when Sultan was an active blogger.

First of all I have a bit of understanding about the criticism of the KPI section. I never wanted to show a wrong picture, where I don't count trades, which I lost. It should be a guideline for me. I didn't consider good trades outside the strategy (like the injury trade) neither. Nevertheless it's better not showing these numbers anymore. It doesn't give an added value to the blog, and it opens discussions, which are useless. As a consequence I erased them.

In general I don't like it, when people judge me, without knowing me. Cassini didn't recognize the sense of the blog. Obviously is an up and down with mistakes and changing opinions. If I would be a settled trader, I don't need this blog or where are Sultan, Mark and all the guys, which made it? To learn from mistakes and share ideas, exactly this is the sense of it. It helps to have feedbacks like the ones of "Unknown" and is just poor to read posts like the one of Cassini. Yes, destructive feedback is not welcome. It doesn't help and so I ignore it.

I don't need suggestions like "Martin should focus on his day job, and walk away from betting / trading altogether". Even the best trader made mistakes in the beginning. Beside Cassini himself had not the best times lately. I don't give him the advice to retire. Perhaps trading is just a hobby beside his normal job (like it is for me at the moment), perhaps he just had bad variance. Live and let live...


  1. Head up , that's nothing new with Cassini . He is just a blogger , has no clue about trading . He stole my money , f... idiot !

    1. And you stole my money! :-( Well, this time you are right. Cassini knows everything better. I appreciate tips and feedbacks (a lot!), but he is the typical arrogant know-it-all. Even corrected me that it's "high horse" and not "big horse". Well, I like to see him writing in German :-) It was the same some years ago with Sultan, and it happens again and again. I am bored about his stories and decided to remove his blog.

      I know that I would lie to myself when I fake the KPI, but there were reasons why not considering these trades. Why I should show better numbers? It doesn't make any sense. Unfortunately you can't see the reason for these steps from outside... but Cassini knows everything, that's nothing new.

      I know exactly, where I stay. I am realistic, it's still a long way to go, but retiring is no option yet. There are big signs that the breakthrough is not far away. Even if somebody suggest me to retire, he can do this in a polite and not in an arrogant way. Good luck, Mr. Know-it-all Cassini.

  2. IT is your blog and you not should worry about another people

  3. Thanks for the nice words. Yes, it's true. It just got on my nerves, what Mr Know-it-all was writing. You can blog with respect or you can discredit somebody, but now this debate is marked off. People like him should be ignored and that is what I am doing now.

  4. You are doing a great job and keep it up.Its such a pleasure to read your views and they help me in my trading. There was no need to remove the P&L figures but any ways its your decision.
    And don't give a damn to ass hole Cassini.He just makes easy money by duping others by his fucking tricks.He has nothing to do with Tennis trading , just a sheer bull crap guy.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I could keep the P+L figures (they were honest and true), but beside this discussion they pressured me. At least on a daily base was too much. I liked the tip of "Unknown" to make updates less frequently.

      About Cassini, it's disappointing to see the true face. In the beginning I thought that he is a helpful guy... unfortunately he is just a know-it-all. Beside he has no clue about tennis, in other case he would not talk about the courtsiders, which have no influence at all for 99% of the traders.

  5. Cassini made up his results before promoting his xxdraws > anyone can have good results if the results are known .

    Then as soon as he sells the draw advice for ££££ > down 15% down 5% and down 1%

    He should refund all the charges as people joined because of the 11-12 results which he made up

    1. It doesn't wonder me. He was the only one, which criticised my behaviour with the KPI and the blog in general. Normally this is a sign that somebody does it himself. In my case it had some reasons for not considering These trades, and beside I don't sell anything and I will never do it. My main point is: It's not his business, but probably is easier to write about me (and other People) than about his bad results.

  6. I pay Robert Salter monies and I keep losing and he ignore my emails .

    Next time I am in California I think i will visit him and sit in his big pool that i paid for

    1. I hope you didn't lose too much money with Mr. Know-it-all?!

  7. I love your blog > Don't read the green all over blog > most of the trades etc are made up > I find his blog very dull

    1. Thanks a lot! In my opinion he jumps a bit too much from one topic to the next. Greece, then trading, then something totally different and then about another blogger. Sometimes is interesting, but most of the time is a hard read and you don't know what he likes to tell. At least he keeps the blog updated. It's quite impressive since how long he is active without a real topic. Probably he is running out of ideas, since his tip league is not active anymore.

  8. Keep on the good work, cassini is wrong in so many aspects ... Keep looking for your edge, it is possible but my tip is to nische your strategies even more. Its better to be the best in a small area than trying to master all possible situations! Good luck!

  9. Thanks for the nice words, Bramhed! I don't know Cassini in person, but in general I don't like persons with the "I am the best syndrom". So it's probably the best go different ways in the future and not write about each other.

    Yes, it's a kind of niche strategy. I was just not confident anymore about the risk-/reward-ratio, beside the development is quite stable. When the self confidence is missing you can't succeed, not even with the best strategy. The most important is the control of your emotions. If you have trust in your skills and your strategy you are capable to do this. I read that the strategy is just 10% of the success, more important are the psychology and the money management. I see four categories:

    - Control your emotions (psychology): 40%
    - Market and player knowledge: 30%
    - Money Management: 20%
    - Strategy: 10%

    The strategy can't be so important. Sultan made profits with his strategy, but for me it didn't work. You need something, which helps to control your emotions and strenghten your discipline. For me this is the crucial point at trading. For example is not logic, human behaviour to let run the greens and cut the reds. Money management is obviously important. If you risk too much, your bank can be blown in one day. Player and market knowledge is very relevant too. There are so much repeating patterns at tennis. For example there are players, which are good front runners. There are players, which show nerves at important points and there slow starters, fighters and tankers.

    If you are strong at all fields, you can succeed. My worst part is still the mind, but I am working on it. So, it's really boring, when Cassini tells me to retire. I think that I have around 70% of the needed trading skills and I am sure that I can learn the missing 30% with the help of readers, my coach and trading, trading and more trading. No master appear from nowhere. It's a long journey and mistakes and lack of discipline are part of the development.

  10. I have heard that Cassini has mental problems so don't be too hard on him > give some slack > I enjoy your blog very much > my advice is to move on and ignore Cassini . 100% chance that Cassini will still be blogging about you in one year > I bet you 100 Euro > he does it because he thinks more people will read his blog > I checked his blog hits on alexa site and the blog is 4 136 079 = probably gets about 100 page views a day if it is about some bitching

    1. Thanks for the comment! Yes, bitching brings more readers, that's normal. Perhaps this is the reason for writing about me every third posting. It will be interesting to see, which new topics he will bring now. Since three days it's quiet at green all over...

  11. Can we please start calling Cassini by his real name which is Robert > and his wife is not called Angelica > he made that up as well > if you read the blog carefully he made a huge boob > his son who he discussed became his daughter > did anyone else notice ?

  12. As a reader I liked that you had those stats the blog looked nicer i think but as a trader I understand you completely you should do what feels best for you (and what gives you best trading results also :))
    Lastly I really like all your posts and hope you will be here as long as possible.
    Michael H

    1. Thank you, Michael! I appreciate your nice comment. I will talking about my results with charts, figures and perhaps I will post some P+L Screens. The KPI section was the main reason, why the discussion with Cassini started. To be honest I understand this part of the criticism. For a reader it doesn't sound serious, when you consider only 90% of the trades. So there were only two possibilities for me... not talk anymore about special trades outside the strategies (winners and losers) or close this section. Beside I pressured myself with too much updating the stats. I think three or four times in a month is enough. It could be that I will bring the KPI back, when I feel 100% confident. As a reader I see the added value (if the numbers are correct... and here you can really trust me).

  13. The green all over blog is a great cure for insomnia

  14. You are so very honest and true in your blog and that is what I like and every other reader does.All the blogs are mug of shits boasting strategies and things they too have never done.
    It will help newbies to know that trading is not such a easy thing like other traders boast and they need a reality check before plunging and get duped by people like Cassini and so on.

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words! Yes, the blog is based on honesty. It was really disappointing that Cassini didn't understand the sense of this blog. Like you mentioned, it's about showing that is really hard to learn trading. You make mistakes, you change opinions and strategies. It's just the normal way. The blog of Sultan showed it really nicely, how the process from a newbie to a successful trader can be. The blog helps me to reprocess the trades, learnings and thoughts I made.

  15. What is perplexing is that people who have read the green all over blog over the years were presented with the idea in the first 2 years that the only edge was in play trading , then when the XX draws were introduced , the only edge was betting before the game .
    Betting on draws in football before a game starts offers a zero edge and surely people are aware of this as shown in the chronic results of the XXDRAWS.

    How many people were duped ?

  16. Cassini has a long history of bullying other bloggers/twitterers etc I wouldn't worry about it to be honest. I guess he just feels the need to belittle people to boost his own low self worth. He used to have some picture of himself and some thai looking wife on hs site and if you'd seen what he looks like you'd realise why he needs an ego boost to be fair.

    Just carry on with what you do and remember the old adage there's no such thng as bad publicity.
